February Update: Main Street Entrepreneurs

Three items to be aware of in upcoming legislation that could impact your small business.

HR 320 Republican Main Street Entrepreneurship Initiative,


#1 Commonwealth Entrepreneurship Week

#2 Waiver of business filing fees to provide relief for first-time entrepreneurs during the business formation process through the Dept of State.

#3 Grants and loans from Commonwealth

#4 set-aside within the Commonwealth’s procurement process for entrepreneurs

#5 creates new business ombudsman in the Dept of Community and Economic Development

#6 bolsters entrepreneurship education for post-secondary students

#7 provides for fair protections for entrepreneur’s homes and assest in the Commonwealth

SB 1082-would prevent contractors or employers from applying for state contracts or grants until they are removed from the Non-Compliance List.

Meeting CANCELLED! HB 1869 This legislation will require the Department of Health to create a food allergy awareness program with associated materials and for restaurants to designate a manager with knowledge of food allergies and according preparation.

Any Questions? Email me, tracey@gobigsmallbiz.com

*The Go Big Small Biz Network exists to prevent government overreach into small businesses. We are funded by our monthly subscribers of $19/monthly. Please Join our movement to bring a Big Voice to small business.


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Tracey Wakeen, President, had the opportunity to participate in both Federal and State webinars discussing the future of the Country for small businesses, looking ahead

We are unifying and mobilizing the power of an entrepreneur network to give a Big Voice to Small Business.