Go Big Small Biz Network

Protecting & Promoting the Interests of Small Businesses


Latest legislation that could impact your business

HB 8147 would Repeal the Corporate Transparency Act.
Vote Yes on HB 8147
Several bills are in the House or Senate proposing Pennsylvania raise the mandatory minimum wage anywhere from $15–$21 an hour.
Go Big Small Biz Network opposes this legislation as it will drive up the already untenable costs facing small business employers and ultimately, put those who need low-skill jobs out of work.
“Keystone Saves” is a proposed state-backed program that would mandate employers to enroll their employees into an IRA (Individual Retirement Account) with the hope that employees would contribute to the account and rely on it for retirement.
Go Big Small Biz Opposes this legislation as an impractical solution to address the lack of retirement savings in the workforce and will unfairly burden small business owners who are more likely to not have a company sponsored retirement plan.
A mandated payroll deduction directly from employee wages, equivalent to the cost of an almost 20% increase in the state personal income tax and requires that employers offer up to 20 weeks of leave.
Go Big Small Biz Network Opposes this legislation as employers should be free to set leave policies that balance the interest of employees and the sustainability of the business as a whole.
Proposed legislation that would require a reduction of the standard workweek for businesses with more than 500 employees from 40 hours per week to 32 hours per week without a reduction in pay for workers.
Go Big Small Biz Network opposes this action as government overreach as it could increase employer costs by up to 20% and create an employee shift from small business to big business.
This Bill could prohibit employers from classifying works as independent contractors.
Go Big Small Biz Network opposes this government overreach into our small business community.


We are unifying and mobilizing the power of an entrepreneur network to give a Big Voice to Small Business.


Small business fuels our economy

PA Businesses
Are Small Businesses
0 %
Small Businesses
0 MM
Transfer of wealth out of the hands of small business in to the elite rich from March 2020 to December 2020
$ 0 T
Of all economic activity in the USA
can be attributed to Small Businesses
0 %

*Statistics sourced from business.pa.gov, brownstoneinstitute, and alineable


This approach is simple, but not easy. It requires constant vigilance and financial resources to work on behalf of small businesses and give everyone the freedom to thrive.



Drive legislative action that favors small businesses and America's economic health.



Bring things into the light, so that owners and the community can make their voices heard and protect their right to do business.



Have ongoing conversations about the benefits of doing business locally and leveraging mass media for mobilization.

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Small Businesses Fuel Our Economy

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