July Update: Corporate Transparency Act

If you are new to the Corporate Transparency Act, find out more here.

Here are the newest CTA updates as of July 30th:

Amendment to Delay CTA 1 year: Senator Sherrod Brown (OH), Committtee Chairman on Banking, is holding back legislation that could delay the CTA requirements on small businesses for 1 year. That’s important to get it passed because it would give our Congress time to pass the Big Brother Overreach Bill which would repeal the current law that went into effect January 1, 2024. Find your PA Senator here or other states and urge them to speak to Senator Sherrod Brown.

  • Letter from S Corporation Association in support of the delay to Senator Sherrod Brown and Tim Scott:
  • List of Businesses that Support a Delay
  • Other Lawsuits against CTA

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The Go Big Small Biz Network exists to prevent government overreach into small businesses. We are funded by our monthly subscribers of $19/month. Please join the movement


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